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Thank you for your interest to propose a webinar idea to the ITE: A Community of Transportation Professionals. We are excited to listen to your ideas and ready to share your expertise and experience with the transportation industry through our professional development programs, which are designed to keep transportation professionals on the cutting edge of the industry.  Become a voice for the future by presenting on the topics shared below. 

    How to Submit a Webinar Proposal: 

    • If you are either a member of ITE, past member of ITE, or know that you have an account with ITE, click the Log In button.
    • Once logged in click on Submit Today to begin the proposal process.
    • If you’ve never submitted a webinar with ITE and have never been a member, click here to create an account and earn log in credentials. You will then need to return to this page to submit your webinar proposal. 
    • If your idea is accpeted you will receive directions on the next steps to developing your webinar on this platform. And not to worry we are here to help you through that process! 

    This year we are looking for creative webinar ideas that fall under the following two categories:

    1. In the Know— These are webinars designed to keep transportation professionals in the know about the latest transportation practices and emerging transportation issues. These webinars could cover:

    a. Emerging Issues/Hot Topics

    b. In the News— New Initiatives/campaigns of interest, new applications that are emerging. i.e. Vision Zero, Mobility as a Service, etc. 

    c. Make your Resources work for you! — application of new handbooks, application of website, top 10 resources for particular areas of interest, etc.

    d. Cities Revealed— Webinars intended to transfer the knowledge gained from the experiences of others, for application in other cities (big or small), and rural environments. i.e. smart cities, safer cities, sustainable cities, city spotlights, vision zero cities, walkable cities, etc.

    e. ITS— Webinars surrounding ITS, Automated, Autonomous and/or Connected Vehicles, etc. 

    2. Professional Skills— These are webinars designed to help transportation professionals develop the skills for a successful career. i.e. professional proposal writing, building relationships with private and public sectors, etc. These webinars could cover:

    a. Leadership skills needed in the Transportation profession (organizational skills, problem-solving, etc.)

    b. Lessons on Ethics

    c. Project Management

    d. Maintaining your Professional Presence

    e. Communication - Public Involvement

    f.  Marketing and Business Development


      • Have questions about logging in? Email membership@ite.org
      • Need help submitting your proposal? Email pdinfo@ite.org

      Our industry leaders are ready to listen and will review your proposals.

      Your knowledge and experience are valuable to the industry and we look forward to hearing from you. Share with us your ideas and add to your own professional development while you are at it. 

      Thank you for your contribution to the transportation community!